PROSIDING The 3rd International Nursing Conference (2019) “Nursing Contribution at Disaster Risk Management: Psychosocial Impact and Learning from Nations”
2019The purpose of the second Nursing International Seminar is to give global insights and knowledge of the newest development in Nursing Higher Education. Aside from that, it is also a responsibility of Private Higher Education Institutions to develop themselves not only in National but also International Scope.
Hopefully, all 900 (nine hundred) participants from Indonesia and abroad will have a fruitful seminar with our Guest Speakers and the Oral Presentation from four Nursing Academies.
This event shall open a way for other international activities such as student exchange, lecturer exchange and joint research. We humbly wait for the invitations from Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia.
Last but not least, please forgive all the mishaps to motivate us to be better in the future.Chairperson of Organizing Committee
Ns. Tatik Setiarini,S.Kep.,M.KM